API Integrations
All optional integrations are available for a one-time setup fee of $125. No additional fees apply once activated.
We currently offer two API integration options. Please contact us with your recommendation for our next API integration project. Your feedback is very important to our future planning.

$125 Setup Fee
We offer an optional data integration between Church Community Builder and our Volunteer Mobilization Program (Excludes NextSteps data integration). Activating this option eliminates all manual administration of your people’s mobilization assessment information. How? Well, your people’s mobilization assessment results will auto-populate within their CCB “My Fit” fields. This integration program runs invisibly in the background, requiring no administration. This optional integration is available for a one-time setup fee of $125.00. | Log In to Order |
“I’m writing briefly to tell you about our experience with AssessME.org and CCB. We used to do spiritual gifts testing on paper, and as you well know, that’s hard to keep up with. We love that the AssessME.org tool allows for use of the charismatic gifts, automatic integration into our database is key. The fact that we also get a leadership assessment, personality profile, and ministry interests on individuals is icing on the cake. It allows us to run reports on all of these profile results and has helped us with recruiting for needs and areas of ministry coverage.” -Pastor Mickey Eckles –
The CCB data integration configures individuals as global, but each individual may be assigned to a campus. So, then, this means a single AssessME.org account corresponds to a CCB church, whether multi-campus or not. This means that when a church signs up for an AssessME.org Ministry Account, and the church activates the CCB integration, the account will then apply to their entire multi-campus church. This will enable each campus ministry to identify and share human resources with each other.

STEP 1 – Select an individual within CCB, and then select “INFO” from the sub-menu.
AssessME.org report titles now populate each person’s My Fit table. So, church staff may now search for potential volunteers based upon their personality type, leadership style type, spiritual gift type and skill type profiles.

STEP 3 – The Custom Link
To view a church member’s Candidate Profile Report, select the AssessME custom link entitled: “View Profile”. You will find this link located below your people’s My Fit table. If you are already logged into your AssessME.org Admin account, the Candidate Profile Report will open immediately. If not, the program will ask you to first login.

Run reports, build effective teams, and manage your volunteers more efficiently, with the preferred partnership between Church Community Builder and AssessME.org.
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$125 Setup Fee
Planning Center Online is a very popular Church Management Solution (ChMS). This popularity is due to its low cost and modular options. This is why AssessME.org now offers an optional data integration with Planning Center (NOTE DATA EXCHANGE INCLUDES: Mobilization Assessments + NextSteps Discipleship Tracking). Please review the screenshots below to see how our data displays within the Planning Center Online software. | Log In to Order |


Workflows in Planning Center
One of the advantages to Planning Center is their custom workflow interface. How this feature may benefit AssessME.org users is that your church can create a follow-up process for when people register for AssessME, or complete assessments. In addition, you can direct people with specific profiles to specific departments in which they might serve effectively. The following examples are based upon our Leadership Style Assessment, but the same kind of workflows could be setup for any of our other assessments or skills, or any combination of our report data.
- For example, people who assess as “Encouraging Leaders” within our Leadership Style Assessment could be auto-directed to the person overseeing your church’s Pastoral Care department as potential “counselors” or support volunteers for this specific department.
- Another example is that all people who assess as “Administrative Leaders” within our Leadership Style Assessment could be auto-directed to the department Lead overseeing churchwide administration.
- A final example is that all people assessed a “Pioneers” could be auto-directed to the leaders overseeing new ministry development ventures.
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Data Export Options
AssessME.org offers data export options in both CSV (Defaults to your spreadsheet program) or XML data export options.