Essential Resources for Your Church
Resources to Equip & Mobilize Church Members
Our mission is to equip the local church with resources to facilitate the making and mobilization of disciples for Kingdom service. We firmly believe that engaging in ministry service is crucial for fostering healthy spiritual growth. In pursuit of this goal, David A. Posthuma created our assessments and authored the books and other equipping resources listed below.
We believe that it is crucial for your pastors and church staff to undergo proper training in using our assessments. Our assessment and equipping tools are designed to assist your leadership in preparing your people for ministry service and mobilizing them into effective ministry teams. To achieve this objective, your staff must understand how the different parts of the body of Christ interconnect and operate. This is why David A. Posthuma authored his book, “Made for a Mission,” as the primary training resource for your staff and lay leaders. Similarly, our training manual for the NextSteps Discipleship Tracking and Equipping program is titled “Active Discipleship.” Additionally, our training guide for navigating ministry in the current internet-driven cultural era is named “eShift.” This book is highly relevant for every church consultant, church growth specialist, church planter, pastor, church staff, and church elder/lay leader.
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