Assess Yourself by

Assess Yourself, Only $19.99

Assess Yourself to Discover God’s Design & Purpose for Your Life…

Have you ever wondered, “God, why did you make me like this”? You are not an accident of nature. You are special. And God has a purpose for your life that only you are able to fulfill.  In fact, the Bible says that God prepared good works for you before He created the World! Before Earth existed, God already knew you in His mind. When you Assess Yourself, you will learn how awesome and wonderful you really are. Bottom Line: How God designed you fits perfectly with the purposes God has prepared in advance for your life (Ephesians 2:10).

So, do you question why God designed you as He did? Or, what God’s purpose may be for your life? The following assessments provide many of the answers to these questions. Our Assess Yourself Package includes the following assessments:

  • ePersonality A personality assessment that reveals how God designed you to serve Him and others.
  • Leadership Style – This assessment explores your style of influence, and reveals how you best fit on a team.
  • GraceGifts Spiritual Gifts A spiritual gifts test that filters the results through personality, and so provides more precise reports.

We packaged these online assessments together for one low price of $19.99. Select the button at the top or bottom of this page to get started now!

FYI: We offer an Assess Yourself Program for people who do not belong to a church that currently uses We hope you will consider introducing our valuable assessments to your church leadership.
