Training Books by David A Posthuma
“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman without shame, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
– 2 Timothy 2:15 –| Select to Learn More |

RESOURCES: David’s Training Books provides many resources to help train and equip your church leaders, as well as to support and mobilize your congregation members. Because of this, we offer the books below for you to consider as a ministry leader.

Active Discipleship helps church leaders implement effective disciple-making strategies again. Made for a Mission teaches ministry leaders how to use our mobilization assessments properly. Meanwhile, eShift informs leaders about the important cultural changes happening today and how these changes can make some churches less relevant.

Additionally, below the book list, you will find extra links to essential resources designed to give you and your church the support you need.

Image of the book "Active discipleship" by David A Posthuma.

Transform your church into an Active Discipleship© ministry! The passive discipleship model, which has been popular for the past 30 years, focuses mainly on Sunday morning attendance and small group participation. However, this approach has often left Christians lacking in knowledge and unsure when it comes to sharing their faith.

On the other hand, Active Discipleship© combines important teachings and ideas with our effective Discipleship Tracking Program. This partnership makes true disciple-making possible and helps your church grow in a meaningful way.

Image of the book "Made for a Mission" by David A Posthuma.

Mobilize your congregation into ministry service like you never thought possible! Made for a Mission© trains ministry leaders to use our mobilization assessments effectively in their churches.

When you go through this training, you’ll discover important information that you might miss if you just use our assessments casually. For example, you’ll learn how to interpret unique data results that can help you identify individuals who might not be a good fit for your ministry. Additionally, it will teach you to identify “red flags” in the data. This way, you can build a strong and healthy church community!

Image of the book "eShift" by David A Posthuma.

Is your church’s ministry model out of date? Most churches today utilize a ministry model developed in the 1970’s and early 1980’s… the height of the television-influenced culture. As Boomers begin to die, relevant churches will shift to a model that incorporates the values of the internet-influenced epoch. A.I. will only make these differences more apparent. eShift© is about the internet influenced epoch and how churches can begin the path toward relevancy now before it is too late.

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